September 7, 2008


What more has to happen on these streets for something to change?

"Mayor Gavin Newsom says violent crime is down and so is the City's homicide rate."

Newsom, you're a douche. Open your eyes, your City is deteriorating. But I guess, your "recovery", your wedding, and your race to the Governor's mansion are more important, right?


"1 out of every 100 Americans is imprisoned."

Yes, our corrections industry has grown to grotesque heights. At present, the California Corrections Peace Officer's Association is so heavily financed that they're willing to petition current Governor Arnold Schwarezenegger's recall from office. And WHY? Because they haven't received their raise this term.

Fuck them. While you're asking to get paid more, California's education system is reaching new depths. Money is being taken away from students, who already need 2-3 part-time jobs just to survive, and being put into our prisons. Statistics show that half of those imprisoned aren't even of age. 50% of those release are rearrested in 2 years. The other 50% released are illiterate or dealing with major mental health and drug addiction issues.

We are raising a generation of prisoners, people. That doesn't fly with me, considering that those growing, maturing, and learning RIGHT NOW will be the people that are going to take care of me in my old age.

Fuck, I just hope that my Criminal Justice degree doesn't bite me in the ass someday. Thank freakin' God, Obama shares my views. More money put towards diversion programs, drug court programs.... but as he promotes turning the issue away from the corrections and prison industry and toward public health , California is sitting still on a state budget that has already cut numerous mental health programs, especially here in San Francisco.

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