December 29, 2008

Is Life Just Getting Better??

If this article has any kind of truth in it . . . I will give up smoking weed, drinking alcohol AND talking shit about the Lakers. I put that on everything!! Bring my boo back and get rid of Maggette!! (Okay, maybe I wouldn't give up trees but....)

According to Stephen Jackson, who spent Saturday with his friend Baron Davis, the former Warriors guard wouldn’t mind being traded back to Golden State. Jackson has already launched the campaign to get Davis back to Oakland.

“That’s all we talked about,” Jackson said. “I went to his house, spent some time with his mom and his grandmother. He wants to come back. And if he wants to come back, I want him back.”

Obviously, things haven’t gone well in Los Angeles. The Clippers are 8-21 after getting smoked by Dallas at home on Sunday afternoon. But Davis has said all along he didn’t want to leave. Get this: Clippers owner Donald Sterling is a huge fan of Corey Maggette and didn’t want him to go. Maggette plus one could get the deal done. Jackson’s already started lobbying.

“I think that would be great for us,” Jackson said. “Coach loves him. Him and (guard) Monta (Ellis) have good chemistry. If they could work that out, that would be great for the organization.”



So, after getting my hopes up... Matt Steinmetz posted this article in the Examiner. Way to break a girl's heart man.

Baron Not Likely to Return to Warriors

December 28, 2008

Best Christmas Gift Ever

I know I'm a little late on this but this was the best Christmas present ever!!

My boo, Monta Ellis courtside with the most obnoxious bling on his ear. You're so hot. I can't wait to see you back in your uniform!

Marco Bellinelli playing with the big Boston boys and SCHOOLING them.

Golden State Warriors vs Boston Celtics: 99 to 89.

December 24, 2008

Monta Ellis Tells All

“I woke up around noon and called Baron and Elton,” Ellis said. “Yes, that Baron [Davis] and Elton [Brand]. You see, the plan was for Baron to re-sign and Elton to join the two of us in Golden State. We were going to be the West Coast version of Boston’s ‘Big Three’…only better.”

However, when the injury occurred, Baron and Elton apparently reconsidered their surprise plans.

“I knew the injury was going to effect my season, but I never imagined that Davis and Brand would completely abandon the plans,” Ellis admitted. “But after the incident … I guess they got scared. They probably knew I’d get suspended or fined when the news broke that I had hurt myself riding a moped, and didn’t want to get penalized themselves.”

Could it be, that a simple moped accident – something that happens thousands of times every year in the United States – altered the entire course of the next few seasons in Oakland? [read more]

-from Buster Gunning of

December 19, 2008

Why Walk When You Can Fly

The following is an excerpt from a book titled "Why Walk When You Can Fly" by the Isha Foundation. Isha is an organization that is a "non-religious, not-for-profit, public organization" that promotes the"human pursuit" of "striving to transform oneself into a higher possibility."

We tend to read spiritual and philosophical writings and brush them off like cheesy Hallmark cards and ostentatious multicolored Yoga mats. It is hard for us to see the simplicity in metaphysics because the beliefs and teachings can strike emotional cords for souls that are malnourished. It will cause negative emotions to manifest because we are afraid and critical of those things that we do not fully understand. But, the belief in a universal ONE is so essential for global harmony and progress, not to mention inner peace and well being. So essential.

Holler at Isha for being the kind of presence in this world that I'm down for...

Live well, readers, and happy Friday!

"The Search for Peace"

The only way to experience world peace is to elevate consciousness. Until we realize that we are all one, the violence will continue. Until we realize that there is no scarcity, that there is nothing to protect - no fanaticism, no religion, or belief systems - until we realize that we are not our ideas, and that ultimately we are all unconditional love, this cycle will continue, eternally. It might appear a little more civilized, it might be better masked, but until we heal the separation we experience within ourselves, we will continue to witness destruction and conflict, in a society based in fear.

You are what you choose. Instead of choosing for fear, choose for love. As we elevate consciousness, our fear based perception of the world starts to fall away. We increasingly focus on the inherent unity of everything. We embrace the beauty of this moment. We fall in love with life. In the wake of full acceptance come all the changes that are needed, because only love can birth our dreams.

As I embrace every aspect of myself, the judgments I have made about myself dissolve. The more I am at home with myself, the more I become at home in the world. My external world becomes a reflection of how I perceive myself. I stop noticing all of its divisions, separations, inadequacies. Instead, I see its glory. I no longer see good and bad or right and wrong, but see everything as just how it is meant to be. [read more]

December 16, 2008

Pisces Horoscope, 12.16.08

"You may have accomplished a near-perfect balancing act between your professional path and your spiritual journey. These two roads have temporarily merged, creating a magic moment in your life when your imagination can strongly impact your outer world. Make the most of this metaphysical support, for your dreams can really come true."

December 14, 2008

Dear Boy

Dear Boy,

I want to lie and say that it's been a while since I last thought of you... but you come to me in shades of dark and gray every minute of every day. I don't know if I've ever said it out loud, but my whole life it has been you.

It has always been someone like you.

You're out there and I miss you.



December 12, 2008

Why Do Bad Things Happen

Many of you know that I am a huge fan of the independant Filipino Hip Hop MCs of the West Coast. These brothers and sisters have birthed countless rhymes and lyrics that have helped me develop and come to know the person that I am today. They have provided me with the musical therapy to get through tough times whether it be emotional heartache or questioning my reason for living. It is through their strength that I am able to be strong and through their struggle that I am able to survive.

As another form of therapy, I've come to regularly frequent their blogs... it aids to remind me that these MCs are REAL people. They are not fictitious characters in some fantasy world. Reading about their lives, their thoughts, and their worlds reminds me that I might (someday) be someone that other people can look up to. That being said, after a verrrrrry nice 8 hours of sleep (something I haven't had in almost a month) I woke up to read a disheartening peice written by one of my personal living heroes, Kiwi. His words have always led to me to seeing the greater good in all small things and to work for what really matters in this world: the people. He believes in the advancement of struggle and constantly speaks of following dreams... something I feel true to within myself.

His recent entry poses the question... why do bad things happen to good people? As you get to the end of his story, you'll see the truth that comes with the answer. Without the bad, one cannot discern the good.

It’s been an emotional and pensive last couple of months, and these young men couldn’t have picked a more interesting time to do this to me. Instead feelings of anger, I rode home afterwards thinking, “what lessons to i take from what just happened?” Of course, I was thankful that my physical bruises are for the most part not life-threatening, and that I was able to walk away in one piece. I’m also thankful, believe it or not, that they didn’t take my bike. Of all the things they stole/could’ve stole, this bike is the one thing that, right now, makes me most happy.

Most of all, I’m thankful for everyone who, last night, reminded me that I am not alone, and that I am loved. [READ FULL ENTRY]

Keep ridin' brother.

<3 eL

December 11, 2008

Reflections of Self - Daily Om 12.11.08

When we look at other people, we see many of their qualities in innumerable and seemingly random combinations. However, the qualities that we see in the people around us are directly related to the traits that exist in us. "Like attracts like" is one of the spiritual laws of the universe. We attract individuals into our lives that mirror who we are. Those you feel drawn to reflect your inner self back at you, and you act as a mirror for them. Simply put, when you look at others, you will likely see what exists in you. When you see beauty, divinity, sweetness, or light in the soul of another, you are seeing the goodness that resides in your soul. When you see traits in others that evoke feelings of anger, annoyance, or hatred, you may be seeing reflected back at you those parts of yourself that you have disowned or do not like.

Because we are all mirrors for each other, looking at the people in your life can tell you a lot about yourself. Who you are can be laid bare to you through what you see in others. It is easy to see the traits you do not like in others. It is much more difficult to realize that you possess those same traits. Often, the habits, attitudes, and behaviors of others are closely linked to our unconscious and unresolved issues.

When you come into contact with someone you admire, search your soul for similarly admirable traits. Likewise, when you meet someone exhibiting traits that you dislike, accept that you are looking at your reflection. Looking at yourself through your perception of others can be a humbling and eye-opening experience. You can also cultivate in you the traits and behaviors that you do like. Be loving and respectful to all people, and you will attract individuals that will love and respect you back. Nurture compassion and empathy and let the goodness you see in others be your mirror.

December 3, 2008

In Order to Be Happy...

We must use compassion. We must see the innocence in even the most abrasive human beings. There is more to a person than their behavior. Beneath the facade there is a tormented sea of underlying hurt, pain and sorrow. It doesn't exist just within ourselves, it is in everyone we meet.

Never forget that everybody struggles. In order to be happy, we must honor the strength and resilience that is shadowed by the frustration of the struggle. We must understand that we are not alone no matter how desolate life can be.

December 2, 2008

The Recession Hits Home

My boss plops today's SF Chronicle onto my desk. "Looks like you made your escape just in time," she says. In the middle of the page is an article with updates of San Francisco's ongoing budget crisis and a shot of the building where I used to work. With more money being funneled into California's "Internal Waste Management Committee" (where money is being allotted primarily to the 6-figure salaries of its committee heads) many substance abuse and mental health programs are seeing massive reductions in services. The first things to go for Walden House were the adolescent programs that provided these services to youth transitioning out of the juvenile justice system. As a result, the teens are being abandoned by the system that's supposed to be helping and healing them. As if these kids didn't have abandonment issues already. . . now they are faced with two choices: the streets or the YGC. This is disheartening considering that society's greatest investment is in the youth population.

A part of me left Walden House because I knew that my job wasn't 100% secure. I'd known this since the announcement was made this summer that the methamphetamine program would be cut and jobs would be lost. The loss wasn't executed but it still had everyone sitting at the edge of our seats. Talking to old coworkers now, I hear that there is a silent depression that looms above the desk where I used to work. Walden House's Multi-Services facility, located in the heart of the Mission on 15th Street, offered indigent citizens of San Francisco services that aided in finding housing, employment, case management and counseling. More importantly, it was a safe haven from the darkest of the City's crevices. It was a place intended to foster growth for the community, development of self in lost souls, and the increased need for a "family" for those who had none. And now- less money means less employees, less hours, less services, less help.

The streets are going to blow up soon and I fear that, regardless of our new hope in Barack Obama's presidency, a violent revolution is bound to happen. I say I fear though I know that revolt is what its going to take to get it right... and people, we need to get it right.

"It's going to be massive in its impact. What we do for the poorest of the poor is minimal in the best of times. There's more to be done out there, not less."
- Rod Libbey, CEO of Walden House, Inc. [read entire article]

December 1, 2008

Three Words

"Name three words you would use to describe yourself."

Always the hardest question I'm asked during Associate interviews. But after some careful thought... I think I've found the three best.

Random. Even I don't know where half the shit I think of or talk about comes from. I'm prone to random acts of "what the fuck" whether it be spontaneously arriving at a previously undisclosed location or waking up in the middle of the night and baking a batch of cupcakes (the kind with sprinkles). I'm always down to do the most random things with the most random people a the most random times. Though I must admit that life has gotten pretty SCHEDULED as of late taking a huge chunk out of my random life moments.

Hungry. This is not just in reference to the fact that I can eat almost anything at anytime. I am ambitious, driven, always hungry for more. Not to say that I'm insatiable, but that I strive for my worth which is usually a lot more than what I am given. It keeps me humble most times but I know that at 24 years old, I have not reached my peak. There is just so much more in the world and in life to be had that I would be foolish to stop climbing, stop wanting, and stop demanding more.

Hedonistic. This third word is always a tough one. I would always say something superficial like, lovely or entertaining (of which I am both, but those words don't pack enough punch to fully emulate me). By definition, a hedonist is a person who devotes his/her life to the pursuit of pleasure and self-gratification. Without these two things what joy would there be? Whether it be food, drinking, sex, shopping or watching Homestar Runner clips all night... I am devout to the religion of pleasure. I indulge constantly and have no problem escaping reality to invest in the fruits of my dreams. Luckily for me, working hard at what I do and earning my salary is the greatest pleasure of all.

Now I encourage you, dear readers to stop and think of three words you would use to describe yourselves. Then rethink them. Are they positive? Are they banal? Are they safe words? Are they honest? Did you ask someone for their opinion or did you come up with the three words on your own? It's hard I know. But don't be afraid to look in the dictionary or thesaurus... that's what they're there for.

Go on, define yourself today.