January 28, 2009

The Forgotten Pastime

Tiny confession about my dark side? I'm kind of a klepto. Now, I don't just steal without purpose, I mean, my apartment isn't full of unnecessary knickknacks that I accumulate as a result of my minor addiction. I tend to swipe books and cosmetics and I only swipe from corporations, never (okay, only once) from other people or from Mom and Pop/underground/small businesses. I don't know why. Luckily, I've only gotten caught once . . . trying to lift the biography of Martin Luther King, Jr. from a school library. (Oh, the shame.)

Anyway, my point is even though it wasn't one of my new year's resolutions for 2009, I have pledged to read as many books as I can this year. I had forgotten what an escapist experience it is to get lost in literature. Since I'm destined to live the next few months in my own solitude, I'm actually excited about the prospect of reading a ton of new books. Fiction, nonfiction, self-help, biographies... I'm ready to read them all. Yes, even those goddamn soft core teen porn novels about vampires. Already I've gotten two books under my belt this month alone: The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene and Hellions by Maria Raha. I'm currently reading Miles from Nowhere by Nami Mun, a story about a young Korean American runaway surviving in the Bronx and am halfway through Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert which I started back in November. Among the books I'm excited to delve into: The Gangster of Love by Jessica Hagedorn; Beautiful Boy: A Father's Journey Through His Son's Addiction by David Sheff; Cebu by Peter Bacho; and The Price: My Rise and Fall As Natalia, New York's #1 Escort by Natalie McLennan.

Got any good recommendations?

1 comment:

Jan F. said...

Thanks for checking out my blog and commenting on my adventures in the Philippines.

As far as book recommendations the last 2 books I read were Generation Kill by Rolling Stone writer Evan Wright and Kafka on the Shore by Karuki Murakami. The former is non fiction and the latter is fiction. Both great titles with different appeal.