February 5, 2009

Razor Sharp Enterprises Presents "This Is Why I'm So Angry!"

Spoken Word/Poetry Reading
Featuring: at-risk youth from the S.F. Boys Group home and special guest appearances of some of the Bay Area's best spoken word artists.

February 12, 2009
Marcus Books
1712 Fillmore Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
Snacks & Drinks will be served

Get ye to the children and help support them in their transition back into a society that has written them off. Come show some love for these special and powerful youth!

Sponsored by: Marcus Book Stores, the Village Project, I.C.A.N. (Inner City Adolescents Network), "J"s Temple of Islam, Y.M.C.A., United Playaz, & S.E.O.P (Senior Ex-Offenders Program)

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