December 19, 2008

Why Walk When You Can Fly

The following is an excerpt from a book titled "Why Walk When You Can Fly" by the Isha Foundation. Isha is an organization that is a "non-religious, not-for-profit, public organization" that promotes the"human pursuit" of "striving to transform oneself into a higher possibility."

We tend to read spiritual and philosophical writings and brush them off like cheesy Hallmark cards and ostentatious multicolored Yoga mats. It is hard for us to see the simplicity in metaphysics because the beliefs and teachings can strike emotional cords for souls that are malnourished. It will cause negative emotions to manifest because we are afraid and critical of those things that we do not fully understand. But, the belief in a universal ONE is so essential for global harmony and progress, not to mention inner peace and well being. So essential.

Holler at Isha for being the kind of presence in this world that I'm down for...

Live well, readers, and happy Friday!

"The Search for Peace"

The only way to experience world peace is to elevate consciousness. Until we realize that we are all one, the violence will continue. Until we realize that there is no scarcity, that there is nothing to protect - no fanaticism, no religion, or belief systems - until we realize that we are not our ideas, and that ultimately we are all unconditional love, this cycle will continue, eternally. It might appear a little more civilized, it might be better masked, but until we heal the separation we experience within ourselves, we will continue to witness destruction and conflict, in a society based in fear.

You are what you choose. Instead of choosing for fear, choose for love. As we elevate consciousness, our fear based perception of the world starts to fall away. We increasingly focus on the inherent unity of everything. We embrace the beauty of this moment. We fall in love with life. In the wake of full acceptance come all the changes that are needed, because only love can birth our dreams.

As I embrace every aspect of myself, the judgments I have made about myself dissolve. The more I am at home with myself, the more I become at home in the world. My external world becomes a reflection of how I perceive myself. I stop noticing all of its divisions, separations, inadequacies. Instead, I see its glory. I no longer see good and bad or right and wrong, but see everything as just how it is meant to be. [read more]

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