As another form of therapy, I've come to regularly frequent their blogs... it aids to remind me that these MCs are REAL people. They are not fictitious characters in some fantasy world. Reading about their lives, their thoughts, and their worlds reminds me that I might (someday) be someone that other people can look up to. That being said, after a verrrrrry nice 8 hours of sleep (something I haven't had in almost a month) I woke up to read a disheartening peice written by one of my personal living heroes, Kiwi. His words have always led to me to seeing the greater good in all small things and to work for what really matters in this world: the people. He believes in the advancement of struggle and constantly speaks of following dreams... something I feel true to within myself.
His recent entry poses the question... why do bad things happen to good people? As you get to the end of his story, you'll see the truth that comes with the answer. Without the bad, one cannot discern the good.
It’s been an emotional and pensive last couple of months, and these young men couldn’t have picked a more interesting time to do this to me. Instead feelings of anger, I rode home afterwards thinking, “what lessons to i take from what just happened?” Of course, I was thankful that my physical bruises are for the most part not life-threatening, and that I was able to walk away in one piece. I’m also thankful, believe it or not, that they didn’t take my bike. Of all the things they stole/could’ve stole, this bike is the one thing that, right now, makes me most happy.
Most of all, I’m thankful for everyone who, last night, reminded me that I am not alone, and that I am loved. [READ FULL ENTRY]
Keep ridin' brother.
<3 eL
1 comment:
Thank you for the post, sis. It has definitely been an interesting last few months, all kinds of craziness and realizations, just in time to ring in the new year. That said, I couldn't be more thankful for life and the abundance of love shown to me by folks like yourself. Still recovering, but looking forward to continuing to serve the people.
Much love
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